Write short notes on: Courtly love, chivalry, women and marriage. (MEG 101 CHAUCER)

Write short notes on:

  • Courtly love
  • chivalry
  • women and marriage.

Courtly love:

Courtly love was a medieval European concept of love that emphasized the emotional and spiritual aspects of romantic relationships. It was a code of behavior that governed the behavior of aristocratic lovers, emphasizing devotion, self-restraint, and the idealization of the beloved. Courtly love was expressed through poetry and other forms of literature, and it had a significant influence on the development of medieval romance literature.


Chivalry was the medieval code of conduct that governed the behavior of knights and other noble warriors. It emphasized the virtues of bravery, honor, and loyalty, as well as the importance of serving a lord or lady. Chivalry also placed a strong emphasis on courtly love, and the idealization of women played an important role in the code of chivalry. Chivalric ideals continue to have a lasting impact on popular culture and are still celebrated in modern times.

Women and Marriage:

In medieval Europe, women were largely relegated to secondary roles in society, particularly in the aristocratic classes. Marriage was often seen as the only way for a woman to achieve social and economic security, and it was frequently arranged by her family. Women were expected to be chaste and obedient to their husbands, and their lives were often closely monitored by male relatives. However, some women were able to achieve positions of power and influence through marriage or by becoming nuns. Despite the limitations placed on them by society, women played an important role in the development of medieval literature and culture, particularly in the realm of courtly love.