Which Greek dramatist used tragedy to reflect upon the darker aspect of life? [British Drama (2018-19) Assignment 1]

One of the Greek dramatists who used tragedy to reflect upon the darker aspect of life was Aeschylus. He was one of the earliest and most important of the Greek tragedians, and his plays often explored the themes of fate, justice, and the role of the gods in human affairs. In particular, his trilogy of plays known as the Oresteia - which includes Agamemnon, The Libation Bearers, and The Eumenides - deals with the cycle of violence and retribution within the family of Agamemnon, and how it is ultimately resolved through a system of justice that is both human and divine. Aeschylus' plays were highly influential in shaping the tragic form and style, and helped to establish the conventions that would be followed by later dramatists, including Sophocles and Euripides.