What kind of movement was the Reformation essentially during the 14th and 15th centuries ? [British Poetry (2018-19) Assignment 1]

During the 14th and 15th centuries, several reformers spoke out against the practices of the Catholic Church. In England, John Wycliffe called for Church reform, questioning the Pope's rights to levy taxes and appoint Church officials without the King's approval. Jan Hus in Bohemia preached about reforming the Church and providing the people with access to the Bible in their native language. However, it was in the early 16th century that the Protestant Reformation gained momentum as a religious reform movement.

Led by Martin Luther, a German monk, the movement challenged the doctrines and practices of the Catholic Church, which they believed had become corrupt and strayed from the teachings of the Bible. Luther emphasized the importance of faith and the belief that salvation was a gift from God that could not be earned through good works. His ideas spread quickly, and he gained many followers. The Reformation movement within Germany diversified almost immediately, and other reform impulses arose independently of Luther.

The Reformation had far-reaching effects on Europe, leading to the creation of a branch of Christianity called Protestantism. The movement challenged the political and intellectual authority of the Catholic Church and ultimately led to the Thirty Years' War, a violent and devastating conflict between Protestants and Catholics. While the Reformation was not the only factor that contributed to the modern world, it played a significant role in shaping European society and ushering in a new era of religious and political thought.