What is the relationship between astrology and medicine in Chaucer's time? (MEG 101 CHAUCER)

What is the relationship between astrology and medicine in Chaucer's time?

In Chaucer's time, astrology and medicine were closely linked, and it was believed that the position of the stars and planets could have a significant impact on an individual's health and wellbeing. Astrology was considered a legitimate science, and many physicians and medical practitioners used astrological charts to diagnose and treat their patients.

According to medieval astrological theory, the human body was thought to be governed by the same celestial forces that governed the movements of the stars and planets. Different parts of the body were associated with different astrological signs, and certain celestial configurations were believed to indicate potential health problems.

Physicians would often consult astrological charts in order to determine the best time to administer treatments or perform surgery. For example, they might choose a particular day or hour that was thought to be auspicious for a particular treatment or procedure.

Chaucer references the relationship between astrology and medicine in several of his works. In "The Canterbury Tales," the physician character is described as being well-versed in astrology, and he uses his knowledge of the stars to diagnose and treat his patients. In "Troilus and Criseyde," Chaucer describes how the position of the planets influences the emotional and physical states of the characters.

Overall, astrology was an important part of medical practice in Chaucer's time, and it played a significant role in shaping the ways in which physicians understood and treated illness.