What is meant by the 'baroque'?[MEG 101 Prerestoration]

The Baroque is a style of art, architecture, and music that emerged in Europe in the 17th century and continued into the early 18th century. It is characterized by a grand, ornate, and dramatic style that is often characterized by exaggerated motion, strong emotions, and intense contrasts of light and shadow. Baroque art and architecture often feature intricate details, bold colors, and an emphasis on dynamic movement and dramatic effects.

The Baroque style was closely associated with the Counter-Reformation, the movement within the Catholic Church that sought to reassert its authority and combat the rise of Protestantism. Baroque art and architecture were used as tools for religious propaganda, and many of the greatest works of the Baroque period were commissioned by the Catholic Church or by monarchs who sought to promote their own power and authority.

Baroque art and architecture were also characterized by a sense of grandeur and opulence, reflecting the power and wealth of the monarchs and other patrons who commissioned them. In music, the Baroque period is known for the development of complex, multi-part compositions that involved intricate counterpoint and the use of a wide range of musical instruments. The Baroque had a profound influence on the development of Western culture, and many of its characteristics can still be seen in art, architecture, and music today.