The heroic couplet of Dryden is his most important contribution to the canon of English poetry. Do you agree? Discuss, with particular reference to Mac Flecknoe. ( MEG 102 ) ( MAC FLECKNOE )

Dryden's heroic couplet is undoubtedly one of his most significant contributions to English poetry. The form, which consists of two rhymed lines of iambic pentameter, became the dominant poetic form in the late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries, and it remains an important part of English poetry to this day. While Dryden's contributions to the heroic couplet are significant, it is worth considering whether it is his most important contribution to the canon of English poetry.

One way to evaluate Dryden's contributions is to consider his most famous work in the heroic couplet, Mac Flecknoe. The poem, which satirizes the literary abilities of Thomas Shadwell, makes use of the heroic couplet to great effect. Dryden's use of the form allows him to create a sense of wit and humor, while also conveying his satirical message effectively.

The use of the heroic couplet in Mac Flecknoe allows Dryden to create a sense of wit and irony that undercuts Shadwell's pretensions as a serious poet. For example, in the opening lines of the poem, Dryden describes Shadwell as "Mac Flecknoe," the "sovereign of the realm of Nonsense." The use of the heroic couplet allows Dryden to create a sense of mock-heroic grandeur around Shadwell, which he then proceeds to undermine through his satirical message.

However, it could be argued that Dryden's contributions to English poetry go beyond the heroic couplet. For example, his work in drama, particularly in his adaptations of Shakespeare, helped to shape the development of English theater. Additionally, his critical writings, such as An Essay of Dramatic Poesy, helped to establish the principles of literary criticism that continue to be influential to this day.

In conclusion, while Dryden's contributions to the heroic couplet are significant, it is difficult to say whether they are his most important contribution to the canon of English poetry. While the use of the heroic couplet in Mac Flecknoe is certainly notable, Dryden's contributions to drama and literary criticism are also significant and should not be overlooked. Ultimately, Dryden's influence on English poetry and literature is multifaceted and cannot be reduced to a single contribution.