Name four poems by Suckling. [MEG 101 Prerestoration]

Sir John Suckling was a Cavalier poet of the 17th century. Some of his well-known poems include:

"Why so Pale and Wan, Fond Lover?" - A poem that describes the speaker's observations of a lovesick man who is pining for a woman who doesn't return his affection.

"Song: I prithee send me back my heart" - A song that laments the loss of the speaker's heart to a woman who has broken it, and begs for its return.

"The Constant Lover" - A poem that celebrates the constancy and devotion of a faithful lover, who remains true even in the face of rejection and adversity.

"Out Upon It, I Have Loved" - A poem that reflects on the nature of love and its many disappointments and frustrations, ultimately concluding that it is better to avoid love altogether than to risk being hurt by it.