Do you find that other metaphysical poets like Donne are interested in the Church and its architechture? ( MEG 101 ) ( GEORGE HERBERT )

 Yes, the Church and its architecture are important themes in the poetry of other metaphysical poets like John Donne. In his poem "The Canonization," Donne refers to the "bricks and timber" of a church and imagines a future where lovers will come to worship at his tomb as if it were a shrine. In "A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning," Donne uses the image of a compass to describe the spiritual bond between two lovers, with one leg of the compass rooted in the earth and the other reaching towards the heavens, much like the spire of a church. Similarly, in "Good Friday, 1613. Riding Westward," Donne reflects on the act of traveling towards a church and the sense of awe and wonder it inspires.