Discuss Hamlet as a ‘revenge tragedy’. [British Drama]

Hamlet is considered one of the greatest plays in the English language and is often classified as a "revenge tragedy." The play revolves around the character of Hamlet, the prince of Denmark, who is grieving the death of his father, King Hamlet. When the ghost of King Hamlet appears to Hamlet, he reveals that he was murdered by his own brother, King Claudius, and tasks Hamlet with seeking revenge.

The central plot of Hamlet revolves around Hamlet's quest for revenge, which is a key characteristic of a revenge tragedy. Throughout the play, Hamlet is plagued by indecision and procrastination, and this inner conflict adds to the dramatic tension of the play. Eventually, Hamlet is driven to take revenge on King Claudius, but the consequences of his actions have far-reaching consequences for the entire court of Denmark.

Another key aspect of a revenge tragedy is the portrayal of violence and death. Hamlet is filled with scenes of violence and death, including the murder of King Hamlet, the killing of Polonius, and the final showdown between Hamlet and King Claudius. The play also includes themes of obsession and the consequences of revenge, which are common to revenge tragedies.

In conclusion, Hamlet can be considered a revenge tragedy because of its central plot of seeking revenge, the portrayal of violence and death, and the exploration of themes such as indecision, obsession, and the consequences of revenge. Despite its classification as a revenge tragedy, however, Hamlet transcends its genre to become a universal exploration of human nature and the human condition.